Dudes on Sport Bikes - The Peacock Paradigm

Ever since I began riding sportbikes a few years ago, a strange ritual has taken place.

WORDS: Angie Loy

Ever since I began riding sportbikes a few years ago, a strange ritual has taken place. Riding solo with my ponytail in the wind, I’m spotted by a male sportbike rider who examines me until he figures out that yes, there is indeed a female underneath the leather and full-face hat. The guy waits until he has my attention and then wheelies. Sometimes he does a stand-up wheelie, sometimes multiple wheelies and, if I’m lucky, he does a stoppie at the next stoplight. It’s what I like to call the Peacock Paradigm.

[The male sportbike rider attempts to attract the female with a courting ritual consisting of a high-revving engine and some stunting, similar to the peacock courting the peahen with its colorful plumage and loud mating call. In this situation, however, the peacock usually accomplishes its task whereas the sportbike stunter is always rejected. It’s a classic example of Darwin’s theory of Natural Selection. Do guys really think they can entice a girl so much with a wheelie that she’ll be compelled to follow them, introduce herself and commence with courtship?

No, no, no. This would never work on me or any of my sport-riding girlfriends. A word of advice: Save the stunts for your big show at the Rock Store where there may be a girl who is shallow enough to care. Natural selection for me? I met my husband at a track day. All he had to do was give me a ride on the back of his bike at a pace I couldn’t possibly match.