Aerostich & RiderWearHouse Video Contest

Grab a camera, have some fun, and maybe win a $50.00 or $500.00 Aerostich gift certificate. As long as some Aerostich or RiderWearHouse product is within the production somewhere (and no gratuitously dangerous or illegal activity is involved) the road is wide open... Send your video, or link to Winning video featured on and winners' names will be printed in the 2011 Riderwearhouse catalog. Enter as many times, with as many videos as you'd like. There's not even a slight chance for any lasting fame, power, success, happiness, notoriety, fortune...but you will receive a gift certificate for some new riding gear. Visit for more details. Lights. Camera. Action:

• Tape a practical tip, rant or testimonial
• Produce an instructional (or faux-instructional) video
• Record a commercial or chronicle your daily ride and commute routine
• Tell an original story or a lame old joke
• Put together a documentary or mockumentary
• Educate about alternate product uses (Alternative?...)

Eight Category Winners each receive a $50.00 Aerostich/RiderWearHouse gift certificate, and the Grand Prize winner gets a $500 gift certificate. Videos should be between five seconds and ten minutes in length. Entries can be submitted via email and must be received before November 1, 2010.

• Eight prize categories (one winner each) and a Grand Prize winner.